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15 listings found for 'new friends' in Listings

 Florida, United States  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Hay donations for compost/food forest floor — Needing any/all hay/straw/grass clippings fresh or old and even moldy hay to use as composting floor for our permaculture food forest...must be delivered as we have no trailer yet...Located at HT3 site in Suwannee County Florida area... treevonnanirvana.com ...Thanks Friends !!!

 Florida, United States  over a year ago


Mason Newell
Mason Newell
 Ohio, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] A hangout with coffee and good conversation. (Small talk is not welcome) — If you would like to sit down and get a cup of coffee and talk about politics, spirituality, religion, whatever you want to talk about. Just send me a message and we can set up a time and place.

 Ohio, United States  over a year ago


Thomas Price
Thomas Price
 OR, United States  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Hot Spring or Hot Tubing Friends — I would like to find some friends who like a good time soaking in a Hot Spring or Hot Tub. I am looking to spend a couple hours in a Hot Spring or Hot Tub for healthy living from time to time for a healthy life.

 OR, United States  over a year ago


Ed Che
Ed Che
 MI, United States  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Wanted: Business Partner for Free To Play Technology — We are making a US-based thought assistant and game to launch as a social network in 2020. If you are a special third person to our team looking for inspiration and commitment, you found it. A little bit about us: We are the first company to play white code without a screen or a console. We put it on our fingers and play a you instance in your space. The technology is clean and we have code friends to play with. I am looking for a business advice life partner to market (maybe free or invites too...) a new technology. Based out of Oberlin, Ohio but you work virtually. I am creative at making memes and code constantly but I don't have enough time to do the business aspects like bringing on more people or investors. If you are ready to go "I'm In" with an entrepreneur/revolutionary and a popular girl, we will consider working with you.

 MI, United States  over a year ago


Ronak Raval
Ronak Raval
 Gujarat, India  over a year ago

[OFFER] Free Original Music License for your project — Hi friends, I'm offering free licence to anyone on sharebay to use any of my commercial music for free in their videos / projects. Please go to store.rameofficial.com and add coupon code "sharebay" for free download at checkout. Love, RAME

 Gujarat, India  over a year ago


Krisi Kay
Krisi Kay
 Highland, United Kingdom  over a year ago

[REQUEST] Free thinking friends

 Highland, United Kingdom  over a year ago


Krisi Kay
Krisi Kay
 Highland, United Kingdom  over a year ago


 Highland, United Kingdom  over a year ago


Karin Lacy
Karin Lacy
 Oregon, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] Connecting with fruitarians — Connecting with Fruitarians/rawVegans Hi, my name is Karin Lacy; I'm a Lightworker of the First Wave, presently living in the small town of Oakridge, Oregon. Over two years ago I came across Dr. Robert Morse, Naturopath in Florida. He has been a fruitarian since age 20. According to Dr, Morse, eating fruit is the way to perfect health. Inspired by his many youtube videos (there are about 550 by now), I started living on fruit right away - and I loved it. I had been playing with the idea of only fruit-eating for several years, but fruit is more expensive, and openly living as a fruitarian makes one even more of an outsider and weirdo. In the winter fruit is usually not ripe, mostly GMO, and overpriced.  So far, I made it through two winters here in Oregon. This last winter I added some corn chips as a snack to my diet, at times when I came home hungry and needed something to eat right away. Also, I quite often steamed veggies, which I got for free. However, I'm looking forward to the Californian cherry season; they are getting ready soon and I will savour them for about two to three months. My ultimate dream would be to live in a community of fruit eaters, in a tropical country where ripe, affordable fruits/berries/melons are always available.  Anyway. I'm just sending out a call to see whether there are any fruitarians to connect with in my area of Eugene, Oregon.

 Oregon, United States  over a year ago


Yogesh Suresh
Yogesh Suresh
 Karnataka, India  over a year ago

[OFFER] Ukiyo - conversation with a friend — Ukiyo the bubble - 'a floating world' - living in the moment, detached from the bothers of life. a place where you can express your thoughts and feelings, a place where you can be free. Ukiyo is a super safe non-judgemental space where you can have organic, free flowing conversations with me. Ukiyo is a space for you to be your authentic self, a space where you can unapologetically talk about how it is to be YOU. Ukiyo is a space where the focus is on you. Your life, your journey, you. A space where you are heard and understood. Ukiyo is a space where you don’t need to hold back, a space where you can let go. A space for you to vent, for you to speak your mind out.

 Karnataka, India  over a year ago


Haltom Family Ministries and Consultants
Haltom Family Ministries and Consultants
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
 Tennessee, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] Personal Corporation Number — I will walk you through how to create an entity with your own free-will that you can control aside of or instead of carrying the weight of the PERSON you were assigned with your BIRTH CERTIFICATE and SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION no. -ENTITY (n.) 1 a : being, existence; especially : independent, separate, or self-contained existence b : the existence of a thing as contrasted with its attributes 2 : something that has separate and distinct existence and objective or conceptual reality 3 : an organization (such as a business or governmental unit) that has an identity separate from those of its members // Entification - (v.) "The action of giving objective existence to something" An entity is something that exists as itself, as a subject or as an object, actually or potentially, concretely or abstractly, physically or not. It need not be of material existence. In particular, abstractions and legal fictions are usually regarded as entities. "Entities" are simply "things that are." Whether they obtain a "conceptual reality," "distinct existence," or any level of "personification" is entirely up to the creator. Entities have been created by people since ancient times and it has been a hidden subject up until now. The reason why it should seem appropriate to expose this truth now is that we have unseen friends and enemies. There is a realm of actual beings that the human eye is not capable of seeing. Some call this another dimension, but let's not into that. The plain English truth is that the human eye is only able to see a fraction of the spectrum of light. Which is to say that there are PHYSICAL things and beings that we just cannot see! Therefore, let us leave the whole dimensions subject alone. Entities are seemingly sentient, subjectively experienced as a separate being with their own agency, emotions, preferences, thoughts, and character. They can be likened to a separate mental consciousness, existing alongside it's creator. Entities are the product of intentional creation, starting with an idea of their characteristics, and developed and capable of meaningful interaction through meditation, focus and practice. So then, after you have finished with all of the details for building your own entity or entities, it is time to bring it to life and send it on its way to manifest your hearts' desires.

 Tennessee, United States  over a year ago


Suyamsothy Kanthan
Suyamsothy Kanthan
 Ontario, Canada  over a year ago

[OFFER] Counselling — I can offer some counselling..

 Ontario, Canada  over a year ago


Gene Davis
Gene Davis
5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars5 stars
 California, United States  over a year ago

[OFFER] Friendship — Need a friend? Me too 😊 I am available at all times. Please don't hesitate to say hi 😇

 California, United States  over a year ago


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